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By Sui Southern Gas Company Limited, Karachi  Job Code-8365-01 Qualification:

  • Bachelors / Masters (16 years of education)


  • At least 2 years of experience. Must possess keen eye for creating unique designs, layouts and artworks for the branding and image building of the Company.
  • Should have expertise in using Adobe, Video editing software and other designing tools.                                      

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Initiate graphic design projects upon receiving directions from seniors in CCD and endorsement of the management and Ensure that the delivered products or services adhere to the policies and standards of the company and Create digital communication assets such as e-mailers, PPT presentations, web banners, web pages, digital wallpapers / screensavers etc.
  • Design internal communications and come up with creative design ideas for new internal campaigns.
  • Maintain intranet portal with up-to date information and graphics to seek new ways of graphic designing.
  • Available after business hours / holidays for meeting any urgent requirement

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