Resident Engineer Dam Project-Al Batinah, Oman

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By Tractebel Engineering S.A Dubai Branch                                Qualification:

  • Chartered Engineer and/or hold honors degree in Civil Engineering.


  • At least 15 years of overall experience in supervision of dam works after graduation. Experienced in, and have extensive Supervision of Construction of large dams.
  • Extensive experience in supervising projects of a similar nature involving similar components.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Contract management on projects with value exceeding 5 million Omani Rials. Should have supervised construction of minimum 3 large dams (greater than 20m in height) in the past 10 years as Resident Engineer to the similar size, type and value project.
  • Thorough knowledge of the relevant methods and procedures including ICOLD, ICE and ANCOLD guidelines for dams.
  • Work methods and Construction practices required to achieve a successful dam project.
  • Quality and cost conscious and be able to deal efficiently and amicably with Contractors and related government Authorities.
  • Familiarity with the use of computers is essential.

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